Persons with Disabilities Housing
Persons with disabilities housing is for adults with low-to-moderate incomes and capable of independent living.
Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants.
Security Deposit: $326.00
Rent: is approximately 30% of your gross income.
Click on the Properties tab to find out information on our buildings and where they are located.
Saskatchewan Assisted Living Services (SALS): is a support service option for persons living in Moose Jaw Housing Authority apartment buildings. Services are on a fee-for-service basis. The services available are
• Meals are currently available at High Park Towers and Victoria Towers.
• House Keeping can include regular cleaning, appliance cleaning (fridge, stove, deep freeze), washing walls, cleaning windows and other seasonal cleaning.
• Laundry Services include wash, dry, iron, fold and sort personal laundry, sheets, towels and bedding of designated tenants.
Please check with the Moose Jaw Housing Authority for availability and current service fees.
The MJHA Tenant Relations Officers co-ordinate SALS services between the tenant and the contractor that provides the services. A Tenant Relations Officer is available during the day and will discuss your needs and requirements with you.
Physical restrictions: See Regal Villa for more information
You may wonder what happens if you were to fall, for example, and could no longer manage without a walker? Would the MJHA expect you to move out?
You would not be required to move out. Although independence is always a requirement, the MJHA facilities are most accommodating to the needs persons with physical restrictions. SALS services (meals, housekeeping and personal Securtek systems) are available to help take some of the load off the tenant. You are also free to make arrangements with any outside agency that you feel could be helpful to you.